2010 Season Announcement
CharACTers is proud to announce our 2010 season!
Tom Sawyer - Spring 2010 Music Man - Summer 2010 Narnia - Fall 2010 Night Before Christmas - Winter 2010
A Season Full Of Family FUN!
Exact Dates and Performance locations will be announced soon!
*All shows are subject to change. This announcement is to inform you about CharACTers current plans for the 2010 Season.*
Audition Announcement
CharACTers will be holding auditions for Tom Sawyer January 28 and 29 at 6:00 p.m. & January 30 at 2:30 p.m. Needed are many elementary through high school boys, a few elementary through high school girls, and numerous adults of all ages! A list of charACTers will be posted soon. More information to come!
501 (c) (3) Confirmed
We at CharACTers are very proud to announce that as of August 5, 2009, we are officially a 501 (c) (3) Non-Profit Public Foundation. We are both State and Federally recognized as a non-profit organization!
Many thanks to all of you that have made this possible!